ReK2 Gemini Blog

Alicante summer and Julian Assange

Julian released! and another trip to Alicante!

Hola! Happy Hacking to all hackers, DIY, Creators and tinkers out there.

I just got back from visiting my friends in Alicante, my friend "Not" AKA Chimo

was spinning funk/hiphop/rap... at a place called Jendrix, I went out Friday

with "Ken" aka "elkenUno", "Sara" aka "SuperPulpito" and other elements ;)

we had a lot of fun that night. Then Saturday is when my friend was spinning, we had dinner,

"El Keo", "El Not", "El End", "SuperPulpito", "El Misil" and my son "VudooLegba".

I was super happy, my son gived me a nice gif, a painting he did, I brought it with

me to Madrid and now is here prepared to be nail to the wall.

So now back to my daily routing, work,hack,study,play UO Outlands, go for long walks

and repeat! :)

Like most people I was happy that Assange was finally liberated, even tho he had

to plea guilty to one of the charges, I think we can all understand he has done

way more than his share for software/digital freedom. I am really happy for him

with all my heart, is been a long fight and like usual the bad people won this one

yet again :( we have freedom fighters against a big military and cybersecurity complex

that has all the power in the world and do not like when someone shows the people

what are they capable and instead of admitting any wrong doing they will rather

imprison hackers and journalist... O_O

remember to watch:

[THS] TheHackerStyle #19 con Rek2 (hispagatos) | Anarquista, hacker y pentester ...

Enjoy and subscribe to his channel on Peertube! (not YouTube please lets not give Google more money and data)

Happy Hacking o/

That's it for now!

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rek2 aka rebel
Much loves
Solidarity and hugs. Love ALL.

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